Reciprocity through Dine’.

Created initially as a tribute and to our founder’s late grandmother and a process for grieving her passing, Grownup Navajo began as a blog. Through reflections about Dine’ culture and practices, Jaclyn Roessel shaped her advocacy around the belief that Indigenous cultures, as foundations, are the future of healthy and thriving communities. Over time, invitations came to Jaclyn to articulate the power of cultural knowledge and the company took flight.

Today, Grownup Navajo is transforming into a digital media and education company dedicated to integrating Dine’ and Indigenous ways of knowing and community building strategies to build stronger, more inclusive and anti-racist communities.

A writer, curator, coach, cultural equity & justice consultant motivated by the wisdom of grandmothers in her bloodline, theories of futurism & healing transformation.

Jaclyn Roessel


Jaclyn Roessel was born and raised on the Navajo Nation in northeastern Arizona. Her cosmovision is shaped by her photojournalist father and educator mother. She weaves her experience of being a Diné/Scottish-German asdzaan throughout her practice.

Over the past 15 years as a museum professional, Jaclyn Roessel (she/they) confirmed her belief in the power of utilizing cultural learning as a tool to engage while developing thriving communities. As the president of Grownup Navajo, Roessel aims to share how Diné/Indigenous teachings and values are the transformative salve this world needs to encourage greater cultural equity, justice and fulfillment of Indigenous Sovereignty and Collective Liberation.


Community Empowerment

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It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.